Baccalauréat Littéraire 1997 (Nogaro, Gers)- Classes préparatoires littéraires 1998-1999 (Lycée Fermat, Toulouse)- Licence de Musicologie 2000 - Maîtrise de Musicologie 2001- Agrégation de musique 2002 - Validation 2ème année d'IUFM 2003 (stage IUFM, Académie de Toulouse)- DEA de musicologie 2004 - Allocataire de recherche-Monitrice d'enseignement 2004-2007 - Attachée Temporaire en Enseignement et Recherche 2007-2008 -
Thèse de Musicologie et Litterature soutenue le 27 juin 2008. Jury: Gerard Dessons, Vincent Vives, Elisabeth Rallo-Ditche, Jesus Aguila, Francois-Charles Gaudard, Michel Lehmann
Laureate d'une bourse Lavoisier du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres
Actuellement en post-doctorat a l'Eastman School of Music de l'Universite de Rochester (New York)
Voir CV et Liste des travaux en pièces jointes
"Paul Verlaine dit par Claude Debussy (1882-1904) : rythme, poetique et diction poetico-musicale"
Mots-clés : rythme, déclamation, prosodie, interprétation.
Voir Fiche thèse jointe
Biography Mylène Dubiau-Feuillerac
Musical Education
Mylène Feuillerac obtains different degrees in Musical Analysis, Musical Theory (Music Notation), Harmony and Singing, at the "Conservatoire" (Music College) of Toulouse, France. She trained her voice specialising in the baroque period. She also obtained a degree in transverse flute playing at the Music School of Blagnac.
Once Mylène obtained her high-school diploma (Baccalauréat), she studied Music and Literature at "Classes préparatoires" (Undergraduate courses to prepare entry exams to French top universities). As well, Mylène carried on studying music at the Music Department of the University of Toulouse. Mylène's graduate studies focused on French Art Song (French melody) and obtained her master's degree in 2004. She examined the sources of Debussy’s melodies on Verlaine's poetry. She investigated this period of music in relationship to word and vocal gesture. Nowadays, she continues her musicological research in the frames of a doctoral thesis (=PhD).
Music Teaching:
Mylène passed her "Concours d'Agrégation" in 2002. It is a fifth-year university course aimed at teaching in French high-schools. Afterwards, she got some experience as Music teacher at the University of Toulouse, where she worked as an assistant teacher (monitrice d'enseignement) during three years. She tought Music History. Nowadays, Mylène has a position as a temporary lecturer and researcher (attaché temporaire en enseignement et recherche), at the same music department in Toulouse.
Besides her duties at the university, Mylène also takes part in master classes of "Mélodie francaise" (French melody) and radio broadcasts on music, in collaboration with her PhD director, Dr. Michel Lehmann.